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Awesomely Aligned August

Peace Babes. How ya’ll be? We done got through the 7th month of the fiscal year. And Huuunnnti, society is kinda collectively walkin around like a team of zoned out Zombies. Me included. Considering the numerous planets in retrograde right now, it all makes sense. The planets insist we observe our behavioral patterns, make appropriate adjustments, forgive, heal and move TF on. In words, all of this seems simple. In the sense of actually feelin all that is goin on,… well that’s a whole other story entirely.

The melanin-rich people are said to be the most emotionally expressive people in the World. Usually, our experiences are sourced in realities that hurt. Forcing us to recreate reality in that same vein. It’s a vicious cycle. Comprehending astrology, astronomy and psychology gives us an alternative way to face life, with a scientific premise. Making it uber easy to walk away from trauma and drama and walk right into our own personal utopia. Let’s explore August Arch Angels, dive deep into August 2019 sky's activity and catch up on Hello My Name Is Angela’s latest adventures. Ready!? Let’s dive right in.

August Arch Angel: Hamaliel

Before we dive into the planetary activity, let’s talk about the Arch Angel of August, Hamaliel, angel of logic. This luminous angel presides over the sun sign Virgo. Hamaliel is one of the rulers of the “orders of virtue. He instructs and guides followers in an unwavering presence to move forward, step by step. Leading people out of troublesome realities and leading them to a path serving their highest and greatest good. Hamalil guides us to think in a logical and orderly manner. This month, we will explore how to communicate most effectively with Hamaliel via our regular blogs. Visit our website for updates

Lions’ Gate Portal and Activation Info:

Annually, on or around August 8, there’s a cosmic alignment called “The Lions Gateway” (an affectionate nickname due to this annual cosmic miracle occurring in Leo season). Lion's Gate is also heavily connected to the felion Beings of fixed star Sirius. These felions are known to be fierce, proud and hella royal. This portal results in a time of highly attuned cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. Like Chicago, Leo is connected to the heart chakra of human-beings and represents our individual expression of the Divine. Authorized by Earth and the fixed star Sirius. As Sirius rises in the sky, Orion’s Belt aligns with the Pyramid of Giza, allowing what looks like Sirius going retrograde, it’s so close to the Earth.

Stargate #1 occurred 7.6 and 7/7.19

The sun conjuncted the fixed star Sirius (at 14 degrees Cancer) opening the Super Solar Stargate, and gifted us with codes of mastery and ascension, directly from Sirius.

Stargate #2 occurred 7.13 and 7.14.19

Attuned the frequencies from the Ancient Egyptian or Planetary New Year (Galactic New Year), highlighted by the rise of Sirius. This energy lasts about 4 weeks. During this time, we collectively receive a portal wave of intense light from the Galactic Center that contains new light codes for the Evolution of the Earth for the next year.

Stargate #3 occuring 8.8 through 8.23.19

This powerful portal peaks on 8.8.19 and finishes when the sun goes into Virgo on 8.23. This wave is about the biggest influx of new Light Codes for the evolution of Earth, for the remainder of the year. This Sirian wisdom is linked to Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, Thoth Mystery School of Ancient Egypt, priestesses and the Star Temple. Which we will be exploring allll month long.

Lions’ Gateway opened July 26 and will remain open until August 12, 2019. Lions gate is allll about fully awakening your Divine Light and embodying divinity within a physical form. This larger than life energy is sourced from the Great Central Sun, the fixed star Sirius, the Earth Grid point of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza. Annually, a portal wave of intense Light from the Galactic Center is transmitted to the Earth. Directly effecting all the people on it. The Galactic New Year occured about 2-3 weeks ago and happens annually. This configuration gifts Earth the infinity portal escorting us past previous limitation.

This portal is success, abundance, and big business with the added bonus of universal blessings. This portal is all about remembering who we created ourselves to be, on a soul level and cashing in on our soul inheritance, which was promised to us by our Divine Creator (Nana Bukuru). This is about using our minds to become bigger than Earthly limitations and walkin into the unknown, focused on manifesting all that serves our highest and greatest good. This portal is alll about connecting to and owning our divine purpose. Steppin more into the life we are reminded of when we explore our natal charts. My team and I specialize in sharing beautiful ways to support oneself while mastering this portal. Our latest journey is a 4 day excursion in Mount Shasta, Ca. September 2019. Private home. Professional Chefs. Vegetarian menu. Workshops. Healing activities & more. Check out this blog to learn more:

Astrological Transits:

Now let’s explore the sky activity for the month of August. August is the month of Lions Gate, rules by the fiery Leo signs, who also host Mercury and August 1st, New Moon. Jupiter is semi-sextile in Saturn before going direct in Sagittarius. However, Virgo is the our shining sign of the month. Hosting Mercury, the Sun, Venus, Mar and August 30th New Moon. Let's see what the planets are telling us. Beginning with the biggest BanG Eva! New Moon in Leo.

August 1~New Moon in Leo

New Moons are about manifesting new beginnings. Leo are the fire sign, using alchemy for important affirmations, establish leadership skills, and heal on the deepest level. Since we had a New Moon July 2, 2019 and the 2nd one is July 31 in North America, August 1 in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia the 2nd New Moon of any given month is called a Black Moon. Leo is linked to creativity, generosity, self-confidence and leadership. The concentrated energies of the Sun (also in Leo) awakens our inner child.

Buddha was once threatened by death via Angulimal. Buddha made a dying request of Angulimal to cut a branch off the tree, which he did with his sword. Buddha then asked him to replace the branch and the aspiring murderer called him crazy. To that, Buddha said “On the contrary. It is you who are crazy to think that you are mighty because you can wound and destroy. That is the task of children. The mighty know how to create and heal.”

July 31-Aug 1 New Moon will affect the stomach, mucosa, breast, womb and ovaries and/or the heart, aorta, blood pressure and blood circulation. We will also have a new moon in Virgo 8.30.19, affecting the pancreas, small intestine and digestive tract. The Virgo New Mon will encourage us to organize areas of our lives that seem disorganized and/or chaotic. Guiding us to finish the month with hella strong Hamaliel vibes, as well as gifting us with 2 Black Moons in the month of August. New Moons are the perfect time to manifest what you desire to attract. August, we will have pre-orders available for Godis Boxes. Which will include all kinds of majical, lovely products, ideal for manifesting realties that serve your highest and greatest good. Order yours here:

8.11.19~ Jupiter Direct in Sagittarius

Jupiter the planet of luck and abundance brings it home in playful sign, Sagittarius. This combination inspires our souls to get those gifts! Jupiter is a kind and benevolent planet, that inspires the human-being collective to grow and flourish in a positive fashion. Jupiter is a larger, slower moving planet, that once turned direct, their influence is felt throughout the World. Whereas when slower moving planets are in retrograde change and/or growth is likely to reflect on an internal basis. Now’s the time to share large projects that you may have been planning for the last few months.

Jupiter in Sag highlights how the World see’s us and our personal image and profile, reflective of our goals. Now would be a great time to celebrate!

Jupiter rules publishing, higher education, the law, beliefs, travel and religion. When Jupiter is direct, the time is right to flourish in at least one of those key areas. This is the perfect time to take risks, play big and be a visionary. Jupiter active dates are August 7th, 8th, and 21st, as the Sun, Venus and Mercury will be in Leo. Creating Fire sign heaven! This may usher in new opportunities, inviting us to enjoy ourselves more than we have for quite some time. My team and I believe the best way to cash in on this double luck combo is by enrolling in our virtual (mobile) twerk sessions. Our 1 on 1 sessions are easy to follow. The best part is the convenience of twerkin anywhere you are. Our current focus is Assolations. The perfect way to naturally build, tone and lift the glutes. Naturally. Order yours here:

8.11.19~ Mercury in Leo

Mercury represents common sense, cold reason, business, intellect and commerce. This planet rules our abilities to learn, mental abilities, the intellectual self and our ability to communicate with others. Mercury is the messenger of both high and low natured energies. Ruling travel (within our country, state or locally). Anyone traveling or enjoying family time in the 1st 2 weeks of August are in alignment with the stars. As the messenger, Mercury is fluid and versatile. Mercury in Leo reveals our learning habits, how we communicate and our mode of thinking. Mercury in Leo reveals the mind’s connection to personal will, ego and inner strength. Leo rules the sector of the natal chart related to the big picture, travel, expansiveness, study and living life to the fullest. Mercury completes its retrograde cycle this week. Mercury in Leo transit mentioned travel heavily in this transit review. Making now a beautiful time to enroll in the dopest travel company in the World. Evolution Travel. Our current promo is $49 to start, $69.95 per month thereafter. In return new agents get a back office, 100% tax deductible business, a travel site, travel for a discount or free and more! Learn more in this month's blogs. Join our team ! Sign up here:

8.12.19~ Uranus Rx in Taurus

Uranus retrograde in Taurus encourages us to focused on internal restriction. Resulting in us expressing ourselves in our community better. In the natal chart, Uranus Rx aspects offer specific details on the type of changes and the areas of our life it will affect. This transit drives the collective to focus on clearing things up and out. As well as wrapping up lessons from 2008, when Uranus entered Aries. Uranus traveling through Taurus and back to Aries will gift us any final lessons and/or gifts. Strongly encouraging us to start a new chapter and begin a new life cycle.

Post turning direct, Uranus in Taurus presents us with new themes and lessons for 2019. This Uranus Rx (8.11.19-1.1.20) induces internal changes in attitude or behaviors, which are necessary to make required changes. The changes our souls seek is collectively rooted in more personal growth. Uranus in Taurus highlights work and health. The key dates for August are August 2nd and 16th.

This transit can feel disruptive, so going with the flow is strongly encouraged. Uranus turns Rx in Taurus on 8.12.19, the day after Jupiter goes direct in Sagittarius (some sources say Uranus Rx Taurus 8.11.19). The planets are telling us, if we take our time and make choices that serve our highest and greatest good, we can cash out! Possibly on the largest scale imaginable. This reality is based on what we personally believe... Both planets celebrate freedom and highlight space. Which won’t be easy for those who feel tied down or restricted in any way. Our spiritual bath mixture and yoni steams are the perfect tools for peacefully evicting dense energy from inside of you. Men, women and children alike benefit. Read this months blogs to learn the latest channeled recipe. Order yours here:

8.15~ Full Moon in Aquarius

Full Moon in Aquarius illuminates the way forward, with a radical presence which could stir up controversy and dissent. The Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars will be in Leo, highlighting last years North Node in Leo, South Node in Aquarius energies. According to Old Farmer’s Almanan, this is the “Sturgeon Moon”, due to the type of fish caught in vast lakes of North America. It is known as the Red, Gain or Green Corn Moon. Aquarius Full Moon could gift us with the fruition of our intentions planted several months earlier. Via February's Aquarius Full Moon.

Full Moons encourage increased emotions and overwhelming feelings. However, with this Full Moon in Air sign Aquarius, we can expect things things to be much lighter. Full moons often create tension and choices to be made and the chance for dead weight energy to be released.

This particular Full Moon occurs when the Sun, Venus and Mars are in Leo, opposite the Moon. This could be a key time of releasing stale friendships, out dated goals and ideas that no longer serve who we are and/or what we stand for. Clearing these faulty connections allows us to make room for new dreams and new relationships that match us in better feeling ways.

Aquarius Full Moon is key in finding balance between any leadership/authority-based desires, relating to group or community. It promises us loving warm vibes. Making it easier to balance time with friends, family and work. Resulting in fulfilled vibes, directly effecting our lives. This Full Moon is a great time to be out and about. Promising freedom and adventure. A key to master this transit is embrace new experiences, release what no longer works and live your life to the absolute fullest! Ladies, Full Moons are about release. Nothing helps you release in a more sensual way than waist beads. Preview our current designs or request a special one designed for your spiritual journey. Order here:

8.18.19 (10.4.19) ~ Mars enters Virgo

Mars in Virgo asserts collective souls in self-discipline, precision, systematic orderly, careful calculating, controlled, practical, yet dignified manner. Our souls will likely hyper focus on highlighting craftsmanship and good organization abilities, for detailed work with a sense of responsibility. This transit inspires the collective to pay attention to the details. We may want to re-organize our schedules. Making now a great time to be ambitious, dynamic and get things done. This transit begs us to pay attention. Nothing helps us pay attention more than a reminder from our original self, guiding us to properly live this lifetime. Via the reminders of the planets. Order your natal chart reading here:

8.21.19~ Venus enters Virgo

Venus in Virgo is driven by the details and love gets hella real. It acknowledges that after an intense love journey, our souls crave a partner who’s socially acceptable, with the same or similar intellectual and/or work personal interests as our own. Virgo's high standards, yet chill attraction process tend to encourage an easy and spontaneous love life. However, marriage could be delayed/postponed indefinitely.

We must be careful, as this transit encourages us to mold our partners into the perfect man/woman. It's vibes are delightful, unassuming, dignified, modest and charming. Which are characteristics admired greatly by our spouse, however, they may not reflect our truest self. Virgos are generally well-liked and respected socially. Although occasionally overly critical. A key challenge for this transit could be honesty.

As a collective, we won’t tolerate any incorrect social behavior from others. Venus in Virgo encourages us to re-connect with pure, natural, earthy, feminine energy. This is the dopest time to consider health and well-being as it relates to beauty. Perfect time for a spa-day, full body clay detox or hair/face steam. While enjoying the gentle Summer waves from Lions Gate 2019. This is a great time to be a conscious eater, as we sort out the dense energy of our life. Are you looking for an accountability partner, helping you make the right choices to better your health and wellness? Our Conscious eating group is perfect for you! Enjoy exclusive articles, special content, recipes and an elite community of people, all over the World, who are healing themselves, just like you. Click the link and enroll now:

8.19.19~ Jupiter semi-sextile Saturn

Semi-sextile is considered a “minor aspect” because it’s 30 degrees of a transit. Jupiter semi-sextile Saturn means we have a good practical sense of business and conducting our lives in general. Avoiding wide speculation and gambling could avail us new opportunities.

Jupiter semi-sextile Saturn could be a time of cautious expansion. Resulting in us relying on sound judgement skills to choose opportunities that are just right for us. This could be related to career, (investment/business deals) personal life, major material possessions and/or relationship choices. Channeling patience, perseverance and a strong work ethic leads us more closely to success.

Common sense and sustained effort are required for the serious long-term projects we are working on. This may not be the most exciting time of our lives, but we will gain contentment and satisfaction in the long term. Resulting in us enjoying achievement well past the time of this transit. The likelihood of earning more responsibilities and/or promotions during this time is increased.

Given we do our proper work, we will walk through this transit wiser, happier and richer. Business investments could bring financial stability and long term, steady growth. Property investments and/or blue-chip stocks could be especially good for wealth creation. Jupiter semi-sextile Saturn is a beautiful time to buy a house, start a savings plan and/or start a small business of your own.

8.23.19~ Sun enters Virgo

Virgin sign Virgo takes over the Sun for the next 30 days. Expect vibes of efficiency, practically, organizations and perseverance. The yearning for perfection can postpone objectives. Virgos are naturally hardworking and meticulous Beings who value order over everything else, regarding relationships, situations and just basic ways of existing.

Virgos don’t typically like to explore the extreme scope of life, resulting in them passing up many of life’s greatest passions. Virgo’s are typically the friend everyone wants. As their analytical abilities of analyzing situations and keeping secrets are extremely valued. However, they can become the double edged sword we annihilate ourselves with. This transit encourages daily meditation and visualization, highlighting what the highest and greatest good actually looks like. Virgos are an Earth sign ruled by the planet Mercury whose number 1 sin is greed. Gemini is the other sign ruled by Mercury and we specialize in versatility. It's a good look to energetically attune to Gemini vibes to even out Virgo's tendencies. Virgo’s golden day of the week is Wednesday, their blessed color is white. Red Jasper and carnelian are ideal spiritual stones for Virgos.

Both of my children and 1 of my BD's are Virgos and 1 fact I know about them is they appreciate knowledge. Our newest E-Book, Know Thyself is over 50+ pages. We introduce guided meditation, basic natal chart info relating to the planets, definitions of important aspects and introduction to the Orish. Explaining the science behind "the God in me". This E-Book is a masterful resource every melanin-rich Human-Being should have possession of.

Pre-orders are available here:

8.29 (through 9.14.19) ~ Mercury enters Virgo

Mercury in Virgo is about intellectual precision that gives a strong, intelligent, versatile reality for the most analytical part of our Being to connect with. This transition encourages a good memory and the ability to think constructively and practically. This time of the year can welcome demanding intellectual work. We may find success in science, teaching, jobs requiring detailed analytic abilities and administration. The likelihood to predisposed nervous excitement could result in headaches and needless worry over matters that don’t really matter. Mercury in Virgo results in detailed oriented, organized and critical thinking vibes. Which is perfect for all the purging we are doing.

What better way to purge than with a group of others doin the same!? Our Ascension Group (mobile forum) is an online class offering unique articles, exclusive content and spiritual resources explaining the science behind the 12 strand DNA expansion each of us are currently under-going. Join us here:

8.30~ New Moon in Virgo

August 30, we experience a New Moon, 6 degrees in Virgo. Joined by Mars (planet of strength, energy, sex and war). August 30th will be our 2nd New Moon for the month of August, coining the title “Black Moon” for the 2nd consecutive month, as we discussed in the beginning of this newsletter. Mercury and Venus are close in proximity to this New Moon, which pulls in the aggressive side of Mars. Guiding us to attune our most passionate desires and share them with others. This is an excellent time for re-energizing something or starting something new. Special vibes are channeled toward romance, allowing us to have an easier time finding our soul-mate or breathe new life in stale marriages or committed unions.

New Moon aspecting Uranus could add excitement and positive change. New Moons represent the end of 1 cycle and the beginning of another 28-day cycle. New Moon in Virgo results in the Sun conjunct the Moon, which offers an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. Making this an exciting time for a fresh start, beginning a new project or turning a new leaf altogether. Given we question old habits, behaviors and beliefs as we search for new and inventive ways to progress forward. Since this particular New Moon conjuncts Mars, energies of a aggressive, combative and destructive manner are softened, because of the loving influence of Venus and beautiful communication vibes from Mercury.

Change and excitement are welcomes and honored. Due to the harmonious trine aspect to Uranus. No major fixed stars are affiliated with this New Moon. As we close this month's news letter, what kind of sisterin would I be if I didn't invite you all to begin exploring plant medicine to heal, clear and balance your cells!? Each order includes a complimentary consultation reviewing your current lifestyle and your health goals, 2 recipes for detox beverages and a print out on the herbs explored via us. The capsules my team and I offer are veggie based, stuffed with alkaline herbs, offering the cells the guidance required to add to your healing journey. Order your capsules here:

Mmk Babes. This wraps us the 1st month of the final quarter of this fiscal year. That was quick, huh!? Make the most of your month and message me about your journey by clicking here. I look forward to connecting with all of you.

Happy Awesomely Aligned August Tribe

Love n Lite

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